Friday, December 12, 2014

Cougar Choir rocks the Cluster Concert

Last night, the Cougar Choir performed at the annual cluster concert at Dan F. Long Middle School. They've been working on a variety of traditional Christmas carols from around the world in preparation for their performance at the Holidays Around the World Festival coming up on Tuesday, December 16. 

They've been INCREDIBLE troopers learning a whole new repertoire in the last 6 rehearsals and even taking on the challenge of learning multiple languages including Japanese, German, Spanish, and a little bit of French. Check out their performance of Kiyoshi Kono Yoru (Silent Night in Japanese) and O Tannenbaum in the traditional German. 

I'm SO proud to be their director!

Friday, December 5, 2014

Composers Everywhere!

Right before Thanksgiving, first and second grade students became composers using the pitches and rhythm they've learned so far. Second grade students reviewed their understanding of Sol, La, and Mi in small groups to "Roll-A-Song".
Students used two dice to help them find out the rhythm (quarter note, beamed eighths, or quarter rest) and the melody (Sol, La, or Mi). They then used their knowledge of where Sol, La, and Mi live on the staff to correctly write out their song. When students were finished, they needed to give their song a title and sing it!

Completed display of some 2nd grade original songs!

First grade had been working on Sol and Mi. We have practiced where those notes live on our bodies when we sing melodies. They also reviewed that a quarter note gets one sound and that beamed eighths get two sounds. We used little leaves and pumpkins to represent the notes. 

The leaves represented the quarter note since "leaf" gets one syllable. The pumpkins were our eighth notes since "pumpkin" has two syllables. It was kind of tricky to remember that when we wrote eighth notes, both pumpkins had to be together but they did it! Such a fun way to practice writing music before we move on to the staff!!
Showing off their hard work!

Super proud of their composition after singing it!

Second grade did a little MORE composing to explore their new rhythms of half note and half rest. Students worked with a partner to explore rhythm combinations of quarter note, quarter rest, beamed eighths, half note, and half rest. Each rhythm value had a corresponding movement of "jump", "hide", "gobble" or "ru-un".Once students came up with a combination that had the correct number of beats, they demonstrated their turkey dance!
Deciding what to choose is tricky! What do you want to choose?

Goofy Turkey dancers!