Friday, September 26, 2014

Recorder Time

The time has come for 4th grade to begin their musical journey into recorder! We learn using Yamaha Soprano Baroque fingering recorder. This is a three-piece instrument for easier cleaning, and has a better sound than most student recorders. What I particularly enjoy about these specific recorders is they are translucent and come in three bright, candy colored options. Students may choose the color of their choice and even have the opportunity to swap out the body joint (middle) and foot joint (bottom) with a friend so they can have a multi-colored instrument. However, the mouthpiece MUST stay yours - no swapping. 

All students will be receiving a parent letter and order form just like the one below. If you are a 5th grade student who is new or did not order one last year, this is the time to order one for yourself! I will be taking orders through Friday, October 10. After that date, no more orders will be placed and students will need to contact a local music store for their inventory. 

It should take about a month for orders to be processed and returned to campus. Once they are delivered, cases will be labeled with student names. Check back around Thanksgiving Break to see how things are going and see what we've learned to play!

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Joust has been Cast!

Ladies and Gentlemen...may I present the 2014 5th Grade Musical cast!!!

Please join us on Tuesday, October 28 and experience the saga of King Arthur and his Mighty Medieval Men as narrated by Merlin and many others.  It's been a wonderful sight to see everyone so excited and already working hard to practice and memorize their lines!

 All students who have been assigned speaking parts have received practice folders like the ones above. To help students out, their individual parts have been highlighted.

After plenty of schedule juggling and working around tutorials, the final list is ready!

Merlin: Emely Garcia
King Arthur: Bryan Damian
French King: Ryan Gonzales
French Soldiers:
French Ladies: Kate Castillo, Angie Garcia, and Natalie Suarez
Messenger: Leeasiah Sheppard
Jesters: Daniel Contreras, Jack Nelson
Mighty Medieval Men: Kaelan Frederickson, Aliyah Guynes, Nathan Shaner, Lizzie Scrudder, Kristen Howery, Carlos Hernandez, Jordyn Crain
Damsels: Rosa Montoya, Emma Richardson, Tiffany Grande, Shania Caruajulca, Clara Hernandez, Reyna Soto, Emlyn Navarette, Jessica Gonzales

Handy-Dandy calendar for all cast to know when we have rehearsals!

The JOUST! cast will have their first rehearsal on this Thursday, September 25 from 3:00 - 3:45 in the music room. In the cast folders, students received a rehearsal calendar as well as a parent letter that explains how they can sign up for text message reminders about the upcoming rehearsals.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Week at a Glance

Hey Cougars! The past two weeks have FLOWN by with the kickoff of Percussion Ensemble, Cougar Choir, and all the excitement that happens in our regular classes! Here's a rundown of what's been happening in the classroom lately...

5th Grade has been preparing to travel back in time about 500 years to the Medieval Era for our upcoming musical - JOUST! Last week students had the chance to audition for speaking roles such as Merlin, Damsels, Court Jesters, and many more! Lyric packets went out this week to begin memorizing words at home. Stay tuned for what kind of transformation the stage will undergo in a few weeks...

Fourth grade learned about their opportunity to join this year's Cougar Choir, met George Friderick Handel and his "Hornpipe from Water Music", and enjoyed an African passing game called Obwesana. For it to be such a catchy and fun melody, you'd never think it means "The rock has crushed my hand, Grandma"! Crushed hands or not, its plenty of fun.  

Third grade happened to luck out with the most pictures, so lucky them! We started off reviewing songs with Do, Re, Mi, and Sol using what we know about pitch relationships to label iconic notation. Once we could sing it on solfege (that's the Do, Re, Mi business) with our hand signs, we transferred that knowledge to standard notation and figured it out on little xylophones. The little rainbow ones really come in handy when everyone is practicing the same melody. Once its solid, we can transfer to the full Orff keyboards. Later, we reviewed rhythmic values with a rhythm dice game. Quarter notes, Half notes, Whole notes, and their coordinating rests. The students had a fantastic time making their dice with their partner and seeing whose score came out higher at the end!

Second grade has been preparing for their field trip in February to the Dallas Symphony with a review of instrument families. We've really dug into the string family with some video performances, seeing how a bow is made, and even getting to experience a bow and rosin up close. Its pretty astounding to find out that the strings on a bow are actually horse hair! (I apologize for the lack of photo - I could have sworn that I snapped one during one of our small group activities.)

First grade started training their ears back in Kindergarten to recognize melodic direction, but now its time to label it. We've learned that high and low notes are actually called Sol and Mi, notes can live on lines or spaces, and there are three ways a melody can move: up, down, or repeat. 

Once we mastered Sol and Mi, we moved on to battle some aliens and blast them with asteroids with Galactic Goonies! Gotta be quick because we only have 10 seconds to identify the melodic direction before the aliens slime our astronaut with their Galactic Goo Guns. Eww!

 Find out this weekend what the final cast list is for the 5th grade JOUST! production...

Wednesday, September 3, 2014


With the popular craze of MineSTAFF, I decided to jump on the bandwagon for a bit of a music theory review. Last year, 3rd grade students learned how to read standard musical notation from a staff while 4th grade enhanced their ability by applying it to reading sheet music for recorder. Hoping they didn't forget this skill over the summer, we've been reviewing note names with MINESTAFF!

Students divided themselves into teams to be represented by characters from the popular game such as Steve, Pig, Zombie, and Creeper. (Considering I've never played the game, I hope I picked the good ones!) Students then chose their world of choice and worked as a team to figure out which pitches were shown. 

Sharing thoughts with teammates...

So much excitement! If you're not sure, make sure to use the resources around the room to help you...

 One 5th Grade Cougar explains how she figured out lower ledger lines. Remember, the staff has a pattern of line,space, line, space and the music alphabet only goes A-G!

After plenty of review, some frenzied competition, awesome teamwork and tons of fun, I'd say 4th and 5th grade Cougars are ready to go!